The Church of the Great Martyr Catherine arose in the twenties of the XVII century. Then it was wooden. Nearby there was also a wooden church in honor of St. Nicholas. Unlike Nikolsky, Catherine’s temple was “cold”, it was not heated. By 1684 the Nikolsky temple had decayed, was dismantled, and a warm Nikolsky chapel was attached to the Catherine’s temple. In the church of St. Catherine the Great Martyr, there are parts of the relics of the Kiev-Pechersky saints, Optina elders, Tver, Novotorzhsky and other saints. Particularly revered icons in the monastery: Tikhvinskaya, “Do not sob Mene, Mother”, Kazan, Vilensky icon of the Mother of God, the image of the Beheading of the head of John the Forerunner.

Свято-Екатерининский монастырь